I Can’t Believe I’m Trying Plexus

farmto table

Anyone who knows me knows I am a traditional fitness girl. I believe in healthy eating and exercise. That’s what gets results. Period. There is no easy fix, no magic pill, no snap of the fingers that get you from point A to point B overnight. Any “fix” product that does make such a claim, I would be inclined to label as dangerous anyway.

So what is the hype of Plexus? I’m on a week long mission to find out. This is NOT a Plexus promotion. I have no affiliation with the company. I am making no money from writing this post or trying the product. This is my curiosity in action, for myself and anyone else who is interested in what I might find, and my findings STILL aren’t going to push you to buy, or sell, or avoid this product.


Stay tuned for a day by day, play by play of my experience…